Following up some research on the 1930s I found myself sitting in the British newspaper Library in Colindale leafing through copies of the short-lived “Jewish Daily News” – the first attempt at a daily English-language Jewish newspaper in Britain – as if the weekly Jewish Chronicle doesn’t give us enough to moan about.
I was rather intrigued at an item from early 1935 reporting a symposium at Woburn House organised by UJS. The title of the symnposium was “Why I am not a Zionist” – organised by UJS! Ah, those were the days. The paper even set out the main argument of one of the speakers: “Zionism is not the result of persecution; if it had been they would have had it centuries ago.” Fair comment.
Anyone know what the point of UJS is these days? I don’t.
Really? Cos UJS was only founded in the 1970s.