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Revisionist Advent Calendar 2009

Yep, it’s that time of year again: Brent Cross traffic causes gridlocks all the way to Sollys, Edgware bus station loops an endless cacophony of brain-splitting two-bit Xmas carols, and Jews suddenly and coincidentally develop an appetite for turkey.

So here’s a refuge  – of sorts – from all the treif schmaltz and tinsel.

Your very own Jewdas Revisionist Advent Calendar to help you count down the days to the birth of the infidel.

I shall be attempting to update this on an (almost) daily basis between bouts of self-medication (porn, crack, sherry: you name it, I got it) and demented ranting at the television set.

It’s at times like this that we really need to ask ourselves not ‘What would Jesus do?’ but rather: ‘What would Larry David do?’.


Revisionist Advent: # 1

Revisionist Advent: # 2

Revisionist Advent: # 3

Revisionist Advent: # 4

Revisionist Advent: # 5

Revisionist Advent: # 6

Revisionist Advent: # 7

Revisionist Advent: # 8

Revisionist Advent: # 9

Revisionist Advent: # 10

Revisionist Advent: # 11

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5 thoughts on “Revisionist Advent Calendar 2009”

  1. It’s all very vell, but I was hoping to be able to click open the pictures and be delighted by chocolate and and other goyische schmalz?

  2. I’m not Jewish but I do buy kosher foods quite often. My pnaerts were both raised in Jewish neighborhoods in New York and I was introduced to the kosher concept at a very early age. I like to buy kosher products because they have always represented something that was healthier and purer. Made to a higher standard and safer to eat. I’m very concerned with the state of our country’s mass produced foods and buying kosher always gave me a little added peace of mind. When I first married my husband he couldn’t believe that I would buy hot dogs that cost $5.00 a pound vs. his favorite Bar S that cost $0.99 a pound. I simply asked him to think about what might be in his hot dog vs. what was in mine! Well now I’m not so sure! How sad that even something as reliable as the kosher rating and Hebrew National are not what they used to be. I’ll be very, very interested in the outcome of this one!

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