Good propaganda isn’t constructed on lies, but rather half truths. Missing context, however, is not the only component the Israeli media employs to distort the Israeli mind. Another subtle trick is what the media focuses on. Three stories were revealed
Sorry DB, I do not Agree.The Problem over the Years has not been lack of Leadership but lack of Policy.A Political Party suolhd have Aims and A Program and the Parties suolhd Choose who can best Carry Out and Win an Election to Carry Out those Aims.The System of Elections to the Knesset weekens the Parties, And they Do Not do their job. There is too much “Tit for Tat”.Israeli Response to fanactics and “Playing in to their Hands.The Question is what is the Ideolagy and Program of the So Many Parties in Israel.What happened to Shinuy and all those Center Parties. The Israeli Public is much more united than the Politics. Politics are mucking up everything!!!The Army and the Legal System too that in the 60-70s were considered above the General Standard.So as a Cartoonist and Dry Humour fine.