Haim Frumkin is the author of several brilliant forthcoming masterpieces. Aggressively attractive and scintillatingly subversive, he is loosely-renowned as a pioneer of Judeo-Japanese-erotic poetry, and as a fount of contra-capitalist wisdom. He enjoys the simple things in life, like cocktails, walks on the beach, and Jacques Derrida.
Candles. Wine bar. You
ask: What’s your ideal bagel?
It’s baygel. Date over.
From Vilna mit love.
Art. Sheer art. Why is Yiddish
porn under-rated?
Recolouring my
Trotsky tattoo. The world feels
more just already.
Caressing. Your back.
Each glimpse, a dream. Wafts of joy.
Its Grundrisse night.
Mid-Birthright, I ask:
When will we see Buber’s grave?
Silence. We flirt on.
Breakfast. Maoist
omelette. Nine broken eggs. Pinch
of disappointment.
Re-watching Fiddler.
Depressing. Capitalist
apologia with songs.
Barbara is by most measures the best-looking girl in my Introduction to Critical Theory module. Everything she does is beyond perfect. Convinced she will be the mother of my children, I approach post-lecture to engage her in exhilarating conversation.
After the small talk, we get to the big talk:
“Who’s your favourite thinker?” I ask.
“What a question! I really don’t know…it’d have to be…Edmund Burke”, she replies.
Oh no. Why must it always come to this? Socialism or Barbara?