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Babel’s Blessing – radical language school

** Registration is now open!! **

 Coming in September 2015! Do you want to learn more Yiddish than the occasional Oy Vey? Get a crash-course in Hebrew and/or Arabic before setting off to the Holy Land? Or have you recently moved to this rainy country, and need to work on your English? We have a course for you.

We will be running fun, affordable classes in Jewish and Jew-ish languages, and free English classes for migrants. We will also be running a programme of seminars and workshops on the theme of language and politics.

Paid evening classes:

Each course will run for two hours a week, and the first term will be mid-September to mid-December. See here for more information on venues and term dates; full info and registration will be available from early in the week of July 27th. All classes are open to people of all genders and backgrounds! Class size will be max 8 people; physical access and childcare/play facilities will be described once we announce venues.

* Please note that the Arabic and Hebrew classes are now full, but you can still register to join the waiting list and also receive notifications for the next term. There are still places available in the Yiddish and Adult batmitzvah classes.


  • Standard: £10 per class = £120 for the whole programme.
  • Solidarity/ middle class guilt: £15 / £180 (or more!!)
  • Unwaged: £5 / £60 (please get in touch if you can’t afford this but still want to come – we don’t want cost to be a barrier)

Your money will go towards paying all our teachers (including the ESOL ones) London Living Wage.

This is a project initiated and supported by Jewdas, and inspired by This Is Not An Ulpan:

“Here every student is a teacher and every teacher is a student. Even though each course has a facilitator, we work according to the principles of critical pedagogy – everyone is actively involved in shaping the learning process.”

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