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The Israel Survey – please do it

Ask for a Jewish opinion, you’ll get loads – the cliche, yadda yadda. The case with opinions on Israel tends to be more a case of asking an opinion with a sledgehammer of emotional pressure and getting the answer you want.

So we at Jewdas have an appeal for you. We don’t really do appeals, we’re not the UJIA, for which we are eternally grateful. But this is an appeal. Please please fill in the JPR Israel survey and give your honest opinion on what Israel means to you and your Jewish identity.

It’s the largest opinion poll taken in recent times on how British Jews feel about the place, and it’s certainly the most academically trustworthy, because it’s been commissioned by the JPR and run by IPSOS Mori, rather than the Chief Rabbi emailing his United Synagogue distribution lists for views, and selling that to the newspapers as ‘Brit Jewish Opinion’. So even if you never do these things normally, we think it’s really important you fill this survey in and have your say.

Especially so because, as you may suspect, certain organisations are sending out guilt-ridden messages to their members not-so-subtly warning them that there mustn’t be embarassing results. We all know a goodly number of moderate Jews who are easily cowed by the jackboot of the Jewish establishment’s blackmail so let’s counter that with a bit of our own spreading of the need to fill this survey in.

We’re not going to tell you what to say, we won’t stoop to that level. We just want you to be honest and have a say. And we’d like you to spread it especially to non-affiliated British Jews who aren’t necessarily on organisational mailing lists or look at their local shul noticeboard, or hear the gossip in Golders Green. They deserve to be heard too. So fill it in and spread it wide, and let’s see if we can get something resembling an accurate picture.

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3 thoughts on “The Israel Survey – please do it”

  1. Shame there are no questions in the survey about opinions towards the Israel boycott campaign or feelings towards representative bodies like the Chief Rabbi and BoDs. Still, seems like the questions are pretty well thought out.

  2. Maybe I’m a conspiracy theorist – but how come the survey website just crashed half way through my vehemently antiZionist responses??

  3. uhm, did you see the survey’ results?
    Seems that the “goodly number (LOL) of moderate Jews” has been once again “cowed by the jackboot of the Jewish establishment’s blackmai”l. OMG!!! Were not all of them closeted post-Zionists? Clearly there is it a Dark Zionist Conspiracy that forces them into hiding. We all know who owns the media, isn’t it?
    Get in touch with the reality, folks. Time to be honest. Be post-Orwellian and say it aloud: you are speaking only on your own behalf.

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